Found 4 LAT sources within 4 deg of search center!
[Nota Bene: Source distances are estimates and plot may go to hell at high dec]
2FGL J0721.9+7120 (110.476,71.3496) is 0.00631499 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0641.2+7315 (100.322,73.2505) is 3.62153 deg away. Flags [2 => 010000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0745.0+7436 (116.275,74.6015) is 3.67075 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0633.8+7132 (98.4715,71.5484) is 3.81789 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]